Big Cypress Camping Can Be Exciting for the Whole Family
Do you remember the most exciting vacation of your childhood? If you are like most people, there was probably a defining trip during your youth that you look back fondly on. If you want to give that same sort of memory to your family, you might want to consider going camping here in the Big Cypress National Preserve. BICY is a gorgeous natural reserve that showcases the exceptional beauty of Florida's landscape.
Finding the right place for your Big Cypress camping trip is all about knowing where to look. If you are bringing smaller children, you might want to set your sights on a camp with amenities. Many campgrounds here in the preserve are primitive in way of accesses and bathrooms. While still being located in the National Preserve, we have the luxury of being a privately owned and operated campground. Trail Lakes offers a bath house with running hot and cold water, a dump station and a dumpster for paying campground guests. Showers are available on site during 9am-5pm for guests not staying in the camp for a designated per person fee. Guests using the bath house facilities MUST check in AND out at the front office upon arrival and departure.